Appointment with a hirudotherapist at home


An appointment with a hirudotherapist at home may be possible depending on a number of factors, such as the location of the patient, his state of health, the availability of the necessary equipment and tools for carrying out the hirudotherapy procedure at home, as well as the readiness of the hirudotherapist to travel to the home.

After agreeing on an appointment with a hirudotherapist, it is necessary to provide all the necessary conditions for the procedure.

Appointment with a hirudotherapist at home

Seeing a hirudotherapist at home can be convenient for patients who cannot or do not want to visit a medical organization, as well as for those who have physical or medical contraindications for leaving home. However, it must be remembered that the hirudotherapy procedure requires certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is not recommended to do it yourself without a qualified hirudotherapist.

In order to schedule an appointment with a qualified hirudotherapist who will perform the procedure at home, consecrate with us!

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