Hirudotherapy and treatment with leeches

Hirudotherapy and treatment with leeches?

Treatment with leeches

Leeches have been used medicinally for a long time, and their ability to feed blood makes them useful for some therapeutic procedures. Here is some additional information about the medicinal uses of leeches:

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Feeding time leeches

Once attached, the leech usually feeds for 45 minutes before falling off on its own.

Leech does not attach

If the leech does not attach, puncturing the skin to produce a drop of blood usually promotes attachment. After attaching medical leech will feed for approximately 45 minutes before detaching. The persistent reluctance of the leech to attach or detach indicates that tissue death is occurring in this area or there is poor arterial blood supply.


Aftercare procedures Girudotherapies

Once the leech is detached, it is important to properly care for the bite area to prevent infections and promote healing.

  1. Operating principle: Medical leeches contain substances in their saliva that prevent blood clotting and help improve blood flow in the suction area.
  2. Application: They are often used to improve blood circulation in operated tissues, especially in cases of plastic and reconstructive surgery, and in the treatment of varicose veins.
  3. Attachment process: If the leech does not attach on its own, a small puncture of the skin may help. This creates a drop of blood that attracts the leech.
  4. Противопоказания: The use of leeches is not recommended for some conditions such as hemophilia, anemia, pregnancy and some skin diseases.

These aspects highlight the importance of medical supervision when using leeches for medicinal purposes, as well as the need for careful assessment of each individual case before their use.

How is Hirudotherapy and leech treatment performed?

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