
Benefits of Treating the Post-Auricular The area behind the ears: Detox, Migraine Relief, and Hormonal Balance

The post-auricular area, located behind the ears, is a powerful therapeutic point in leech therapy. Its connection to major lymphatic vessels and nerve pathways makes it ideal for promoting detoxification, relieving migraines, and balancing hormones. By stimulating lymphatic drainage, this area aids in toxin removal, boosts immune function, and reduces inflammation. Additionally, its link to head and neck nerves improves blood flow, easing tension and discomfort. For those experiencing hormonal imbalance, this treatment influences nearby hormonal pathways, offering a holistic approach to overall wellness.

Leech Therapy for Menopause Symptoms

At Hirudo Clinic, our Leech Therapy for Menopause Symptoms is a cornerstone of our comprehensive Wellness and Detox programs. This specialized hirudotherapy treatment effectively alleviates common menopausal challenges such as hot flashes, mood swings, and hormonal imbalances by naturally regulating hormone levels and enhancing the
