Лечение пиявками

Leech therapy, also known as hirudotherapy, is a natural and ancient healing practice that uses medicinal leeches to improve health and well-being. This therapy is particularly effective for conditions like pain relief, inflammation, детоксикация, and circulation improvement. By targeting specific meridian points, leeches stimulate blood flow, remove toxins, and promote healing, making it a powerful addition to both traditional and modern wellness practices. Explore this category to learn more about the benefits, applications, and insights into the fascinating world of leech therapy.

During the therapy, leeches are placed on the body according to your specific treatment plan.

Активация точки Иньтан (третий глаз) – стоит ли попробовать гирудотерапию перед ботоксом?

intang (Third Eye) Point Activation in Leech Therapy Why Try Leech Therapy for Third Eye (Yintang) Wrinkles Before Botox? Before opting for Botox to reduce deep frown lines and glabellar wrinkles between your brows, consider leech therapy as a natural, non-invasive alternative. While Botox offers […]

Гирудотерапия после блефаропластики: улучшение восстановления и ускорение заживления

Blepharoplasty, an eyelid surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure which improves the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle, and sometimes fat. While the surgery offers significant aesthetic benefits, the recovery process is crucial to achieving optimal results. At Hirudo Clinic, we offer
