Benefits of Leech Therapy for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are a persistent enlargement of the veins in the rectal or anal walls. Hemorrhoidal nodes can become thrombosed, prolapsed, or strangulated, leading to severe pain, bleeding, and necrosis with infection. Hirudotherapy for Hemorrhoid Treatment in London Hirudotherapy Application Points for […]

Leech Therapy for Menopause Symptoms

At Hirudo Clinic, our Leech Therapy for Menopause Symptoms is a cornerstone of our comprehensive Wellness and Detox programs. This specialized hirudotherapy treatment effectively alleviates common menopausal challenges such as hot flashes, mood swings, and hormonal imbalances by naturally regulating hormone levels and enhancing the

At Hirudo Clinic, we specialize in Medicinal Leech Therapy London, also known as Hirudotherapy for Women’s Health. Our natural treatments support hormonal balance, thyroid regulation, and overall general well-being, providing effective relief and improved health without invasive procedures.

Medicinal Leech Therapy │ Women’s Health │ London

At Hirudo Clinic, we specialize in Medicinal Leech Therapy for Women’s Health │ London, also known as Hirudotherapy. Our natural treatments support hormonal balance, thyroid regulation, and overall general well-being, providing effective relief and improved health without invasive procedures. Whether you’re seeking relief from menopausal

Leech Therapy for Gingivitis

Gum Flap Surgery and Complementary Hirudotherapy

If your gum problems are not severe, you can use leech therapy as an Alternative to Flap Surgery for Gum Disease, or as a complementary therapy if you already have severe periodontal disease. Flap Surgery and Complementary Hirudotherapy at Hirudo.Clinic Flap surgery, also known as
