
At Hirudo Clinic, we specialize in Medicinal Leech Therapy London, also known as Hirudotherapy for Women’s Health. Our natural treatments support hormonal balance, thyroid regulation, and overall general well-being, providing effective relief and improved health without invasive procedures.

Medicinal Leech Therapy │ Women’s Health │ London

At Hirudo Clinic, we specialize in Medicinal Leech Therapy for Women’s Health │ London, also known as Hirudotherapy. Our natural treatments support hormonal balance, thyroid regulation, and overall general well-being, providing effective relief and improved health without invasive procedures. Whether you’re seeking relief from menopausal

Leech Therapy (Hirudotherapy)

Revitalize Your Jawline with Leech Therapy🪱in London

As we age, the jawline can undergo changes due to factors like collagen loss, reduced skin elasticity, and bone resorption. Maintaining a youthful jawline requires a combination of targeted treatments and healthy habits. Leech therapy effectively addresses an AGING JAWLINE and enhances your NATURAL BEAUTY

Лечение заболевания легких пневмонии, бронхиальной астмы медицинскими пиявками

Гирудотерапия при бесплодии, миоме и эндометриозе

Предполагает постановку медицинских пиявок по точкам акупунктуры CV 4 и на точки Цзы Гун, а также внутривлагалищная постановка пиявок. Гирудотерапия при бесплодии, миоме и эндометриозе достаточно эффективна. Целесообразна постановка медицинских пиявок сразу на несколько точек, начиная с точки CV 4. Еще эту важную точку называют
