Vaginal Leech Therapy for Endometriosis

Leech therapy, or hirudotherapy, uses leeches to treat various conditions by secreting bioactive substances such as hirudin. This anticoagulant helps reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain. For endometriosis, leech therapy provides a holistic, non-invasive approach to symptom management. The anti-inflammatory and circulation-enhancing properties of leech saliva can alleviate pain and promote healing, offering a natural alternative to conventional treatments.


Лечение Эндометриоидных Кист с Помощью Пиявок

Эндометриоидные кисты в яичниках можно лечить с помощью гирудотерапии. Медицинские пиявки, выращенные на специализированных фермах, улучшают кровообращение, оказывают противовоспалительное действие и стимулируют регенерацию тканей. Процедуры включают очищение кожи, размещение пиявок на животе, спине и внутри влагалища. Рекомендуемый курс лечения — 10 сеансов, что помогает уменьшить кисты, воспаление и болевые ощущения.

modern medical practices

How to Identify When Leech Therapy Can Be Beneficial

How to Identify When Leech Therapy Can Be Beneficial Consultation with a Specialist

Effectiveness of Leech Therapy aftet breast plastic surgery. The reported success rate of 75% in resolving venous congestion indicates that leech therapy can be effective in specific clinical settings. This success rate suggests that leech therapy has a substantial impact on improving venous blood flow

Hirudin: Bioactive Anticoagulant Powerhouse Secreted by Leeches

HIRUDIN, specifically produced by the medicinal leech HIRUDO MEDICINALIS, is a powerful bioactive anticoagulant that prevents BLOOD from clotting. This property is particularly beneficial in MEDICAL TREATMENTS where maintaining BLOOD FLOW is crucial. By preventing THROMBOSIS (the formation of blood clots within blood vessels), hirudin ensures proper blood circulation and reduces the risk of complications from CLOTTING DISORDERS. LEECH THERAPY (hirudotherapy), used in both TRADITIONAL AND MODERN MEDICINE, effectively treats VARICOSE VEINS, MUSCLE PAIN, and INFLAMMATORY DISEASES by reducing BLOOD VISCOSITY and improving BLOOD FLOW.
